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AI & Machine Learning by using Python

Machine learning is the kind of programming that gives computers the capability to automatically learn from data without being explicitly programmed.


This means in other words that these programs change their behavior by learning from data. And this can be used to create AIs.


In this course, we will cover various aspects of machine learning, of course, everything will be related to Python. So it is Machine Learning by using Python.


What is the best programming language for machine learning? Python is clearly one of the top players!


Learn about Artificial intelligence. Learn Python, build a chatbot, explore machine learning and computer vision, and being introduced to IBM Watson.



Introduction to AI & Machine Learning 

•k-nearest Neighbor Classifier

•Neural networks

–Neural Networks from Scratch in Python

–Neural Network in Python using Numypy

–Dropout Neural Networks

–Neural Networks with Scikit

–Machine Learning with Scikit and Python

•Naive Bayes Classifier

•Introduction into Text Classification using Naive Bayes and Python  


Thanks for submitting!

Professor Lili Saghafi  , Montreal , Canada

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