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MBA _A Letter of appreciation

posted Jul 28, 2018, 1:44 PM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Jul 28, 2018, 2:33 PM ]


Respected Lili mam,

“There are two kinds of teacher: the kind that fills you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.”

And you are the one that made us jump to the skies....

 It was a very good experience to have you as a supervisor to taught us a lot about our subject project management about which we were having very little  knowledge but now we can know  how to manage a project or work in a team as a team member , manager or a leader and these all things are possible just because of you.

I really admire you a lot and going to miss each and every moment spent with you in the class.

Mam , may God bless you with all the happiness and I love your smile so keep smiling always

You Inspired me

love you mam.....



posted Aug 10, 2016, 10:01 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Aug 10, 2016, 10:03 AM ]


I might be an alien to this blog, but not to your world of teaching. I was a student of yours at ………; where you taught me MIS in my MBA 1st year. That couple of lectures brought me to think that there are incessant developments that take place in the technology related to enterprise and that there is no stop to learn more and more in this area of Computer science. Though I was already a graduate in CSE then, but it enthused me with new inspirations and gave me a different angle to view this area. Thanks for your empowering contribution at our university. Hope you visit ……again, as it's tag line confirms: "The world is here, where are you".


Mba, ……, 2012-14 batch.


MBA 501 _Managing the Networked Enterprises

posted Aug 16, 2014, 2:49 PM by Professor Lili Saghafi


It's defiantly without any doubt this is the best learning experience I have ever had in my entire life and the best thing is that I never expect that to happen in IT course, which I almost know nothing about. This can be referred to professor Lili 's capability to push students hardly to their limits to bring the best of them by creating  a challenging learning atmosphere in class and  leaving a space to them to search for information by themselves.

The content of the course has helped me to understand how the world of technology works and affects everything around me in away that I never know before.The design and the structure of the course was quite good and I liked most using videos for further illustration and the style of slides as well was quite interesting. 

Everything has been said in this course has touched me deeply and was transforming  in many different levels; academically, proffecianly and  spiritually. I remember one day professor Lili has mentioned how SAP applications could help non-profit organization, this small piece of information has opened a window of limitless possibilities of the things I have always dreamed to do for my career but I never know what it is exactly and how to reach. 

Honestly, words can't explain how grateful I am to the time and effort professor Lili put to make this course priceless in every sense. 


Project Management

posted May 4, 2013, 2:34 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Aug 7, 2013, 12:17 PM ]


“There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can't move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.”


And you are the one that made us jump to the skies....

 It was a very good experience to have you as a supervisor to tought us alot about our subject project management about which we were having very little  knowledge but now we can know  how to manage a project or work in a team as a team member ,manager or a leader and these all things are possible just because of you.


I really admire you alot and going to miss each and every moment spent with you in the class.


Mam ,may God bless you with all the happiness and i love your smile so keep smiling always



Project Management

posted Apr 26, 2013, 10:27 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi


I feel proud and honorable after learning from you ,you not only taught us project management but also the key to success in our life which i think a most precious knowledge that i could get from anyone in my life, thanks for everything , we will not forget you.


Computer Science I

posted Nov 18, 2012, 11:03 PM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Nov 18, 2012, 11:04 PM ]


....... I still remember proudly almost everything I learned from you during my programming course. It is also such a pride for me that I was a student of a world-class professor such as you. The university never really recovered losing you......


Happy Teacher's Day

posted Sep 6, 2012, 2:11 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi



You have not only been a great teacher but also a friend, philosopher, and guide. Sending my love and warmth to you on this Teachers' Day.


And I Like Your Teaching Methodology



Intellectual Property competition and Young Researcher Competition Winner March 18, 2012

posted Mar 20, 2012, 8:09 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Mar 20, 2012, 8:11 AM ]


I am happy to inform you that we won the second place in the Intellectual Property competition at our university!


They have extended the duration of the competition for about a year, and the ceremony was held today. We received  ………


(I also won the second place in the Young Researcher Competition with one of my colleagues .....).


I would like to express my deep gratitude to you and thank you for everything you did for us. I still remember the lessons I learned from you and your class.


I really appreciate everything you taught me and I am grateful for getting a chance to know you and learn from you. You will always be a role-model and a mentor for me.



Thank you again; with my sincere wishes.



Best Regards


E Commerce Technology Fall2011

posted Jan 1, 2012, 5:26 AM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Mar 27, 2013, 1:11 PM ]



“Not only I had fun and enjoyed attending each single lecture. I learned how to actually study and make researches. It was a privilege having you as my professor. I envy the students that still have the chance to attend classes with you in the upcoming semesters. Thanks a lot for everything”



Advance System Analysis and Design

posted Jan 11, 2011, 4:16 PM by Professor Lili Saghafi


No matter what she is awesome, her style, her knowledge, her teaching ability, and her care everything about her makes her a good fit for teaching. Because of her I can see the possibilities in me.

Thanks for submitting!

Professor Lili Saghafi  , Montreal , Canada

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