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Goals and Philosophy



Goals and Philosophy

The goals of my research program are as follows:

  1. To understand how and why a quantum computer is more powerful than a classical one.

  2. Quantum fault-tolerance and error-correction --- necessary for achieving scalable quantum computation

  3. Simulation of quantum systems in general and quantum computers in particular, on classical and on quantum computers

  • Design of quantum algorithms: what would you do with a working quantum computer? What questions should be asked from Quantum Computers

  • Building scalable quantum processors and quantum memory

  • Optimization of quantum control signals, circuits, and programs

  • Developing tests for quantum hardware: is it really quantum?

  • Data encoding, encryption, Data security

  • Quantum Readiness plan


Also, as we seek to harness the power of AI, one of the first questions that AI programs may need to answer concerns analytical adequacy: Is there data, and is it of sufficient quality to address the specific business need? So, I am working on Data format and a quality of that, which makes it incompatible with AI approaches. To make AI-ready data, I am focusing on :

  1. Build a use case-specific data catalog

  2. Evaluate the quality and completeness of data sets

  3. Aggregate prioritized data sources

  4. Gauge the data’s fit

  5. Govern and execute


By adopting a mission-based data strategy, governments and private sectors can avoid many common roadblocks and immediately focus their technical talent, knowledge, and limited budgets on the subset of data needed for prioritized use cases. This strategy avoids creating data and tool capabilities without a plan. The iterative process—translating mission priorities into requirements and data engineering tasks, generating AI-ready data, and translating data into insights—keeps investments focused and maximizes their impact.


My other focus areas are  :

  • Working on Youth Employment Strategy to create internships for post-secondary graduates in “high-demand fields” for the next two years, under three separate programs;

  • Working on the Canada Accelerator and Incubator programs to help organizations provide business development services to businesses and entrepreneurs;

  • By involving different countries' collected data I also work on establishing an OpenData Board.

Research Focus

To understand how and why a quantum computer is more powerful than a classical one.

Quantum fault-tolerance and error-correction --- necessary for achieving scalable quantum computation and blind quantum computing, which allows a user to delegate a computation to an untrusted server while keeping the computation hidden. To achieve a type of security that simply is not possible using purely classical protocols.



Future Plans

My plans for the future involve building strength in each of the focal areas of my research program, as outlined above. Specifically, I plan to build on the initial capital investments made in each of these research areas by using the investments as leverage to attract additional external support. In addition, as these initial projects mature over the next few years I plan to focus on publishing results.

In addition to my plans for continued investment in these current research efforts and

Corresponding with publication plans, I plan to seek new opportunities for collaborative, multidisciplinary research projects. In particular, I hope to expand my involvement in international research programs.

Some other publications:



·Quantum Computing, Quantum Information, and Computation XIII Conference,


·The Front Lines of Cyber Security , RSA Conference 2014,


·Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytic, University of Michigan-Flint Flint MI USA,


·Assessments In Education CSEDU , the International Conference on Computer Supported Education





·Agile Project Management, Agile Tour 2012 ,Montréal

·A Review: “A New Approach to Modular Database Systems”

ISBN : 978-0-9920569-0-2 , Journal of IRCB

·BI-DW & Predictive Analytics Journal of Scoop

  • Factors influencing knowledge sharing and knowledge management among undergraduate students: Comparative studies between Middle eastern students versus North American Students (focuses on a study of knowledge sharing behaviour among undergraduate students in two different continents.) ISBN: 978-0-9920569-2-6 ECKM 2012

  • Implementation of Digital public Library of America, Berkman Center of Internet & society, at Harvard University, 2011

  • Social Networking in Higher Education and Distance learning SIEC-ISBE 978-0-9920569-3-3 2011

¨Usage of RFID and nanotechnology for Crowd Control

oDevelopment and measuring the effectiveness of RFID tracker software in Crowd Control

oRFID Host Software development for Crowd Control, Counting, Access Control and Asset Control.

oRFID tags/ tag readers developments that can read off sight and miles distance and persistently broadcasting its contents.

  • Working research on VRS Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems especially in medical field and biomedical and on Image reconstruction and modeling techniques which allow instant processing of 2D signals to create 3D images.


  • BI and Data Mining for Analytic, ISBN: 978-0-9920569-4-0, ITC-AP 2013

  • Research on mobile capability in teaching and as part of distance education (2009-2011)


  • Survey of student’s satisfaction during 2008-2010 ( Universities newsletters)


  • Research on Student’s Learning Style ( Universities newsletters)


  • Securing & Protecting Crowd By Implication of RFID For Crowd Control


  • Finding the effectiveness of RFID to protect & secure the crowd


  • Survey of student’s satisfaction (COB 2007)

Study of student’s level of gratitude toward university’s course and programs


Testing and verification

üMobile Device Security with Nanotechnology Scientific Journals International (SJI), ISBN: 978-0-9920569-5-7 , 2009

  • Automated program specifications (ISBE, 2002)

“Application writing requires good program specifications, which is tiresome process , making it automatic reduce the trouble of this process”.

  • Test suites (ISBE, 2003)

Artificial intelligence

  • Nanotechnology and Security (ACM, 2008)

  • VRS (ACM, 2008)

PC based virtual reality system for hospitals, universities and research centers


üSocial Media, why training can be a key? ( ACM, 2010)

üReview: Design , Code, TEST, repeat ( Review ACM, 2009)

üCulture of Security ( ACM, 2008)

  • Watermarking (ACM Journal 2002)

Watermarking applications


  • Intellectual property: should software be protected?  (ACM Journal 2004)

  • E-Commerce and notion of trust (ACM Journal 2005)

            The notion of trust based on various consideration of watermarking, digital

              certificate and … are discussed.

  • E-Commerce and Cyber Crime (Business Week- Panel 2008)

While most IS professionals recognize the benefits of protecting and securing data, the business leadership in the organization still sees security as a ‘nice to have’ rather than a ‘need to have,’…

  • E-Commerce and Security (Bahamas Agricultural Corporation 2008)

With the increased reliance on the Internet, companies have become dependent on electronic transactions, communications and capabilities. When these resources are affected by security breaches, it can cripple many businesses -- and bring others down completely…


  • Seven steps to better e-Learning (Review ACM, 2008)

  • Modular Database Systems (Review ACM, 2008)

  • Intellectual property in computing: (How) should software be protected? An industry perspective  (ACM Journal 2004)

  • E-Commerce and notion of trust (ACM Journal 2005)

  • Review E-Learning (ACM 2006)

  • Improving Learning Process (ACM 2005)

  • Different learning styles and classroom technology,  (ISBI, 2003)

  • Developmental studies and student success (ISBI, 2004)

  • Review A new approach to modular database systems (ACM 2008)

  • Review: Design, Code, TEST, repeat ( Review ACM, 2009)             

  • Translation of Structured COBOL Programming from English to Persian                        

    • Assisted in producing this workbook, which is used by more than 500  students each quarter.

  • Translation of System Analysis & Design from English to Persian, Writing and Producing COBOL workbook for students.

  • Writing and Producing SQL workbook for students.

  • Writing and Producing Networking & Troubleshooting workbook

In Education

  • Training Trainers (International journal of multicultural education, 2008)

  • Test suites (ISBE, 2003)


Director, Interdisciplinary Research Consultant Board (IRCB)




Research Methods for Dissertation Project




Thanks for submitting!

Professor Lili Saghafi  , Montreal , Canada

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