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Quantum Computing in Brief

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Quantum computing is 42 . In 1981 Richard Feynman, an American physicist, spoke at a computing conference, observing that “nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly, it’s a wonderful problem, because it doesn’t look so easy.”


It works based on Qubits not bits, which means at each instant it can be both 0, or 1 . To understand it better one needs to have the realization of quantum mechanics, which explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. So now we designed a 300 atom quantum-computing crystal so powerful that in order for a conventional computer to match it, that computer would have to be the size of the known universe.  Although quantum-computers are not faster than supercomputers they can process very complicated tasks that without quantum-computing it is not possible at all and it takes years. Quantum-computers require totally different programming. They compute on individual atoms. Any type of interference causing vibration of matters in atoms. So instability is the main problem that we have now with quantum-computers.

These computers will help us find the most expedient solution to a complex problem. As such, they're poised to revolutionize the way we go about data analysis and optimization — including such realms as air traffic control, courier routing, protein modeling, weather prediction, database querying, and hacking tough encryption schemes.


Professor Lili Saghafi


There are five criteria that you need to have a viable platform for quantum computing.(IBM)

1.     You need to have a system that has, that you can set single out from it well-defined qubits, two-level systems analogous to 0s and 1s of the binary classical computer.

2.      You need to be able to prepare qubits in a defined state.

3.      You need to be able to keep them in that state without very much decoherence for a long period of time.

4.      You need to do operations on those qubits analogous to classical operations,

5.      you need to be able to measure those qubits at the end of the algorithm.

Quantum Computing latest news

Quantum Computers in help with the pandemic problem

posted Apr 10, 2020, 1:24 PM by Professor Lili Saghafi   [ updated Apr 10, 2020, 2:22 PM ]


“What we’re working on right now is on the issue of handoff by allocating patients to medical facilities as close as possible according to the patient’s symptoms, so as not to exceed the capacity of the medical facilities,” 


This is a mathematical problem that can be done on a quantum-computing system that takes into account the distance from the origin of the patients to the medical facilities as well as the patient’s symptoms and the capacity of each medical facility.


A quantum computer could also be used to help quickly validate a vaccine for the virus. Such machines, though, are still in their very early stages. 


Volkswagen, which has previously experimented with quantum computers from D-Wave and other vendors to calculate the fastest routes for different vehicles, has several experts on hand to help researchers interested in using D-Wave’s machines for Covid-19 research.

“In the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential of quantum computing can open up new opportunities”  .


Menten AI, a San Francisco-based startup that uses machine learning and quantum computing to design protein drugs and enzymes for use in drug discovery, said D-Wave’s hybrid quantum system has shown promising results outside of Covid-19 research.


The company recently used D-Wave’s hybrid machine to run several computations related to protein packing, which is a component of drug discovery.


Since Quantum algorithms are suited to investigate is the traveling salesperson problem, A quantum computer could pass out vaccines to healthcare providers in the most efficient manner possible, something that would save precious time and a way to curb the spread of the disease. 


This type of coordination would be absolutely essential for a country such as China, which is particularly hard-hit by a coronavirus. Because China has many large cities spread around the vast nation, getting the medicine in the hands of the right people at the right time would save an untold number of lives.


Similar to the traveling vaccination salesman, quantum computers could also be used to position the right resources and the right emergency personnel to help thwart the spread of disease. 


Many areas under quarantine, for example, need special considerations — emergency food, water, and fuel. Jugging these supply concerns is a logistical nightmare. A quantum computer might be suited to classifying those supplies and delivering them to the right places.


The best weapon against an epidemic is to stop them before they start, quantum computers could constantly monitor data to diminish any flare-ups. 


From analyzing health statistics to using natural language processing to parse social media messages for clues of disease outbreaks, quantum computers may make a vigilant sentry against the next killer pandemic.


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Quantum Computing Tutorials

Computing and computers are bound to the laws of physics after all the basic parts of computers are bits which are matters. 

To understand how the Quantum world works one needs to have in-depth knowledge of how digital world works. 

We have a silicon substrate, that is what the transistor made of, And above that we insulating oxide and a metal gate. What we do,  we apply a positive voltage to this top gate here. And that attracts all the electrons that are in the silicon up towards this gate. But they can't get there due to this insulating oxide. So they form two dimensional sheet which forms a conducting channel. Between the source and the drain and that makes the transistor ON. That is our “1” of digital information. If we now put a negative voltage on the gate, we repel the electrons down and we push them away from that channel. There is no conducting sheet, and as a consequence, you get the “0” of digital information. So that is the “1” and “0” as we go down. For everything that works around us. Everything is coded either a “0” or a “1”  .................................



          •These lectures are intended to introduce the concepts and terminology used in

           Quantum Computing, to provide an overview of what a Quantum Computer is, 

            and why you would want to program one.

•The material here is using high-level concepts and is designed to be accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences.

•Some background in physics, mathematics, and programming is useful to help understand the concepts presented.

Quantum Computing_First Course




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Professor Lili Saghafi  , Montreal , Canada

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